Kamis, 24 November 2011

50 reasons not to date a graphic designer

1. They are very weird people.

2. There are billions of them in the world, like colors on the screen of your computer.
3. They will analyse conversations in layers.
4. You will spend the day assembling furniture from IKEA.
5. They drink and eat all kinds of weird shit just because they like the packaging.
6. They hate each other.
7. You’ll come out the last out of the movies because you have to see the full list of credits.
8. They cant change a light bulb or without making a sketch.
9. They fuck up all the tables with their cutters.
10. They rather study the paisley pattern on your outfit than listen to what you have to say.
11. They will fill your house with magazines and whatever is out there that has drawings.
12. You never know if it is really an original or a copy.
13. They make collages with your photos.
14. They do not know how to add and subtract, they just understand letters.
15. They idolize people who nobody knows and speak of them as if they were his colleagues.
16. They take pictures almost daily and all are cut in weird shapes.
17. They ask your opinion about everything but they do whatever they want.
18. Everything is left justified, right or center unless they arrive late.
19. They hate Comic Sans with the same passion they love Helvetica.
20. They use iPhone for everything, because everyone has one.
21. You can not decorate the house without consulting them.
22. They steal street signs.
23. Always carry their hands painted with something.
24. They buy dolls unfinished for them to paint.
25. Everything becomes something other than what it really is: cards as tickets, cards as …
26. When arguing, you will be nicknamed like the OSX spinning wheel (not affectionately)
27. Do not know how to dress without consulting the Pantone book.
28. They hate Excel.
29. They read comics.

30. They want to save the world only with a poster.

31. You will spend the day brainstorming.
32. On vacation they will take you to countries that you do not know exist and have no beach.
33. Museums are their second home.
34. They know more positions than the Kamasutra.
35. They can’t go to a restaurant without secretly critiquing the menu design.
36. They listen to music you have never heard of.

37. They can´t cook a normal dish, they always have to experiment with new ingredients.
38. They read rare books: stories of children, Semiotics …
39. When they are going to tell you something, everyone has read it in their facebook and twitter.
40. They have own iPods before you knew they existed.
41. The orgasm they remember is when they heard that Adobe was acquiring Macromedia.
42. They have their own shops just for them and there are the most expensive in the city.
43. They want to spend all the money in the Apple Store.
44. You will never understand their gifts.
45. They see ordinary objects and laugh.
46. You wake up in the middle of the night hearim them screaming “When is the deadline?”
47. They see CMYK and RGB like Neo sees the Matrix.
48. They dream of the day nobody will make a single change to their designs.
49. They rather pay for a font than for a special birthday gift.
50. They are always sleepy because they work 24/7.

aku bukan disainer grafis sih, tapi ya mungkin suatu hari gitu ya wkakak. Yang di bold itu ... representative myself

Rabu, 23 November 2011

When she was just a girl, she expected the world. But it flew away from her reach. So she ran away in her sleep and dreamed of para-para-paradise, para-para-paradise, para-para-paradise. Everytime she closed her eyes.

Sabtu, 12 November 2011

Tulisan di sabtu malam

Have you ever regret your own decision and wonder if you did something different?

Aku pernah, sering, oh bukan, sering banget.
Well, apa lagi yang 'wonder if you did something different' udah gak keitung aku ngomong 'what if' ke diriku sendiri. Apa yang bakal terjadi sekarang kalau aku gak ngelakuin ini? kalau aku milih itu bukan milih ini? kalau aku ngambil kesempatan itu?

too much question in my head x_x

Biasanya pertanyaan itu muncul kalau hasil dari keputusan yang kita ambil gak sesuai dengan expectation yang kita punya. Tapi yah, what can we do? it has passed. Mau ngapain lagi? Nasi udah jadi bubur, ya dimakan aja. Toh dari keputusan kita pasti ada hal baiknya juga, kan everything happens for a reason.You can always find something good behind your decision.

Tapi tetep aja ya, kadang aku nyesel. Contoh aja, I'm not a bold person. Aku bukan tipe orang yang gampang buat ambil keputusan. You know, I find it's hard to decide something even just a small unimportant thing! Aku ini overthink. Kebanyakan mikir! Ini apa gara-gara aku lahir dibawah rasi bintang libra apa gimana ya aku gak ngerti, aku terlalu banyak mikir resiko lah, akibatnya inilah itulah. Mikir apa yang bakal terjadi resiko itu emang bagus sih, kita jadi lebih berhati -hati buat ngelakuin sesuatu sama ngambil keputusan. Tapi tetep ajaa, yang namanya 'over' itu gak pernah bagus. Semua itu ada porsinya, dan aku udah kebanyakan mikir lebih dari porsi yang seharusnya.

Hal itu ngebuat aku jadi orang yang 'aman'. Hampir dari semua keputusanku itu 'aman', resikonya sedikit. Tapi ya itu, biasanya hal-hal yang resikonya sedikit berbanding lurus dengan hasil yang kita dapat ... tidak terlalu memuaskan, yah standar, biasa aja. Beda sama hal-hal yang resikonya besar, kalau berhasil yah pasti tingkat kepuasannya itu besar. Kesel sih kadang-kadang, kenapa aku gak bisa keluar dari tempat amanku. Takut. Duh ya, payah banget gak sih aku.

Aku udah terlalu banyak nyia-nyiain kesempatan. Banyak banget. Padahal kan lebih baik menyesal atas apa yang kamu lakukan, daripada menyesal atas apa yang gak pernah kamu lakuin. Buat nyoba aja aku takut ...*sigh*

Well, tapi dari keputusan-keputusan yang pernah aku buat, aku bersyukur mereka bisa menghantarkanku ke keadaan sekarang ini. Well, my life seems so parfait. Lebih dari cukup dan menyenangkan. Aku dikelilingi orang-orang baik, orang-orang yang aku sayang, my life is so damn simple, sesuai sama harapanku dulu. Aku kangen rutinitas yang simpel, and I have it now. Yah mestipun kadang bosen juga sih, kok ya terlalu datar hidupku ini ha-ha (manusia gak pernah puas kan ya? :p) Kalau inget hal-hal nyenengin yang aku punya sekarang, gak ada deh rasa nyesel. Malah kalau I did somethin different in my past, aku gak bakal bisa kayak gini, iya kan?

Nah ya, so the lesson, for my self, kamu harus berani nyoba je, apa aja itu. Udahlah, hidup sekali, be random aja, jangan overthink. Take the chance, take the risk. Yang bakal terjadi yaudah nanti aja dipikirin, it might surprise you. Terus untuk sekarang yaa syukuri apa yang ada aja, gak usah kebanyakan what if. Yang berlalu biar berlalu, konsentrasi ke keadaan sekarang aja.

Ah kok aku jadi serius banget .-. hahaha. Eh iya malem ini aku galau ya, soalnya The script lagi konser di Jakarta yu know, Apa tak gundah hati ini mengetahui bang danny o'donoghue sudah sedekat ini dan aku tak bisa ada disampingnya sekarang (?) T_T HUAAA pingin banget nonton. The script itu salah satu dari 4 band favorit ku. Maroon5, The Script, Mocca sama Coldplay <3. Dulu konser maroon juga gak nonton, last show nya mocca apalagi, sekarang the script ... terus nanti coldplay gitu? Yaaaah! sedih amat sih, gini nasib remaja daerah yang gak punya duit dan gak punya kesempetan nonton konser, hiks, sedih. Padahal salah satu cita-cita tuh ya ketemu abang danny yang super ganteng sekali. Eh iya buat yang gatau the script coba dengerin lagu-lagunya aja. Itu 2 album bagus semua kok. Kata-katanya itu mak jleb, mellow galau sumpah. Aku aja yang bukan menye-menye person seneng. Hahahaha, enak kok, beneran. Ya udah deh dari pada galau aku mau main jojo fashion (yang lain main angry bird aku main mainan anak sd, ah keren banget sih kamu je).

See ya.

'em apa ya.. aku gak peduli sih haha'
'sih je, kapan kamu peduli? emang kamu pernah peduli sama apa?' -edena

oh sial, sakit.

Rabu, 02 November 2011


Halo blog mau cerita, seharusnya aku sekarang belajar ICT *baru sekarang lagi* ya tapi males sih, udah deh pasrah aja hahaha -__-
Mau cerita blog, kalau jadi tanggal 28 nanti aku mau berpetualang ke THAI, free charge! muahahhaa. Iya, mau pamer nih ya ini hadiah diknas buat danem kelulusan kemaren, soalnya ... tertinggi sekabupaten ha-ha (gak nyangka? aku juga -__- ). Sebetulnya tanggal 7 rencananya tapi thai banjir sih! ya masa nanti aku ke sana terus jadi sukarelawan bantu-bantu evakuasi korban (-__- ) yah semoga urusan jalan - jalan lancar, terutama imigrasi, menyeramkan sekali. Oh iya, kemaren ikut lomba poster antar kelas. Nah aku aliran ekpresionis-surealis-abstrak gini kok diikutin lomba begituan, hasilnya agak random hahahaha. Ya udah lah, pingin sih bisa menang ikut FLS2N tingkat selanjutnya, tapi ya udahlah, di sekolah juga banyak yang bagus. Ya udah ya, mau nge print makalah cee yu pay pay :*

ini posternya... aslinya gak rapi banget.